Web configuration interface
Open your Internet browser and type "http://" followed by your device’s IP address and press enter.
The IP address and the link is shown in the configuration menu of your MyGamepad device.

Select the [Username] input field and enter the <username> defined during the WLAN setup process (see "Setting up the WIFI connection").
Enter your <password> into the [Password] input field.
Click the [Submit] button.
NOTICE: If you did not disconnect during a previous session and your login is still valid, the main configuration page will open.

Main page menu
After logging in, the Profiles page opens as the main configuration page of MyGamepad. From here you can also access the Macros, Disconnect, and Over-the-Air (OTA) Update subpages.

Profile configuration page
The Profiles page is divided into six areas as shown in the figure below.
Profiles selection area
In the [Profiles selection] area, the active profile is selected by clicking the [profile name] button. When selected it is highlighted in red. Clicking on one of the [CLR] buttons will reset the respective profile to the default values after confirmation.

Key assignment area
In the [Key assignment] area, you can select the device/type and function to be triggered when pressed/activated on the device.
Key selection area
Use the buttons in the [Key selection] area to select the active the key to be changed. The activated key is highlighted in red. Selectable keys are highlighted in orange when the mouse-cursor passes over them.
Stick settings
Stick mode
Select one of the available analog stick modes:
Analog stick left (AL)
Analog stick right (AR)
Digital as key H/V direction (D1)
Digital as circular angle (D2)
Like D2 with analog emulation (D3)
Joystick (J)
Mouse (M)
Angle adjustment
The angle setting allows you to turn the analog stick left or right using software instead of hardware. Default value is 0°.
Main direction angle
This is a customizing feature for the stick mode “digital as circular angle (D2)”. In this mode, MyGamepad calculates the circular angle position of a vector representing the stick direction. By default, the 360° of the circle are divided into 8 equal pieces of 45°. Up, down, left and right are considered the main directions, while the space in between are the diagonal directions, which always trigger two keys of the main directions. This parameter allows you to change the angular size of the main directions. If you increase it by 5°, the diagonal angles also decrease by the 5°.
Vertical and horizontal dead zone
The analog stick signal will be converted to a digital 12-bit value. This means that each stick position is represented by a value from 0 to 4095, where the neutral position is 2047. Due to the high resolution and some other factors like noise or just touching the stick, the center position value will not be 100 % stable. To avoid jerky or unwanted movements, you can define a dead zone. Only if the stick goes beyond this value in one direction, a movement information will be sent to the computer or console. The default value is 100.
Profile settings
Profile name
You can give each profile a unique name to identify it on the device during the profile section. Each name can be up to 29 characters long.
Key debounce time
Debouncing is the removal of unwanted input noise from buttons, switches or other user input. Debouncing prevents extra activations or slow functions from being triggering too often. Debouncing can be done through hardware or software.
MyGamepad has a software debounce function. With this parameter you can set the amount of time it waits to determine if a key has been pressed or not.
Polling frequency
Sets the polling speed to determine how often updates are sent to the computer or console. The default value is 1,000 hz, which means up to 1,000 updates per second.
Configuration management
Send to MyGamepad
Sends the configuration data to the MyGamepad device and stores it in the internal memory. The previous configuration will be overwritten.
Save to computer
Saves the configuration as a download file to the computer.
Load from computer
Opens a configuration file from the computer.
Copy & Paste function
Clicking one of the [Copy] buttons activates the copy/paste mode (see figure below). The button will change to a [Cancel] button to cancel the operation. The [Copy] buttons of all other profiles will change to [Paste] buttons. By clicking on one of the [Paste] buttons, the values are transferred after confirmation and the process is completed.

Macro functionality
MyGamepad has powerful macro capabilities that allow you to automate complex sequences (see figure below). You can save up to 50 unique macros, each containing up to 25 steps, allowing you to create elaborate command chains.
MyGamepad offers four different macro types to suit various gaming scenarios:
Single Execution: Triggers once per key press, ideal for simple combos.
Hold-and-Run: Activates for the duration of the key press, ideal for sustained actions.
Continuous Repeat: Loops the macro as long as the key is held.
Simultaneous Activation: Executes up to 4 actions concurrently, enabling complex multi-button combinations.
Over-the-Air (OTA) Update
The Over-the-Air (OTA) update ensures that MyGamepad can easily receive the latest features, enhancements, and optimizations.
First, download the latest firmware from our support page.
Second, initiate the software update for the ESP32 microcontroller via the web interface from anywhere within your Wi-Fi network.