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Connecting to MyGamepad WLAN

Setup WIFI connection

Prepare your MyGamepad device

Go the the configuration menu by using the select key. Select and confirm "Connect "WIFI". If no previous WIFI connecting is stored or the stored network cannot be found MyGmaepad will create an access point (AP) name "MyGamepad". 

If you want to make sure the AP mode will be activated, select and confirm "Reset WIFI settings" first.    

Connecting to MyGamepad WLAN

Open WLAN settings on your mobile phone. The MyGamepad network  should appear as an available option. 

WLAN setting phone

Start WIFI configuration

Select the network and wait a few seconds for MyGamepad’s WIFI manager to open.      

WiFi Manager start page

Select WIFI and enter password.

Click [Configure WIFI] to continue. On the next page, enter or select the SSID of the wireless network you want to connect to, as shown in the picture. 

WiFi Manager Network

Enter additional information

Next, enter a device name, a user name, and a password in the input field provided, and then press the [Save] button. 

WiFi Manager information

WIFI configuration finished

You can then switch back to your home WLAN on your mobile phone.

WiFi Manager finished
Start WIFI configuration
Select WIFI and enter password
Enter additional information
WIFI configuration finished
Prepare MyGamepad device
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